PANEL | Beyond the Buzzwords: What is Generative AI Doing to Creative Practices?
Tuesday, August 20, 2024
1:30 pm_2:30 pm
Day Pass price, excl. fees & taxesGenerative AI is often seen as just a buzzword in our current hype cycle, so how do we ensure that the technology develops in a way that augments and sustains human creativity? Yves Jacquier, Executive Director of Ubisoft’s La Forge, will share insights into Ubisoft's research and development initiatives. The Society for Arts & Technology (SAT) and Sporobole will provide an exclusive look at their exciting new project: ArtAI. Sofian Audry, Co-Director of Hexagram, Co-Director of the mXlab, and author of "Art in the Age of Machine Learning”, and Rose Landry, Responsible AI Lead at Quebec Artificial Intelligence Institute Mila, will discuss how to develop AI tools responsibly across various creative industries. These conversations will shape a vision for building a sustainable framework for AI in the arts, focusing on economic and social equality, environmental care, and aesthetic diversity.
Please note that this activity will be held in French. All activities held in the Salle Ludger-Duvernay will be simultaneously transcribed and translated in either French or English using an application powered by artificial intelligence. Those wishing to use this accessibility feature will find QR codes on site, which they can scan in order to connect to the live transcription. They may also click the “Transcriptions” button in the MUTEK Forum App homepage. This is a beta service, we cannot guarantee 100% accuracy.
During the event, no interpreter for the Deaf will be present.
Sofian AudryCA/QC

PANEL | Beyond the Buzzwords: What is Generative AI Doing to Creative Practices?
20 Aug
Pía BaltazarFR/QC
Society for Arts and Technology

PANEL | Beyond the Buzzwords: What is Generative AI Doing to Creative Practices?
20 Aug
Rose LandryCA/QC
Mila - Institut québécois d'intelligence artificielle

PANEL | Beyond the Buzzwords: What is Generative AI Doing to Creative Practices?
20 Aug
Yves JacquierCA/QC

PANEL | Beyond the Buzzwords: What is Generative AI Doing to Creative Practices?
20 Aug
Éric DesmaraisCA/QC

PANEL | Beyond the Buzzwords: What is Generative AI Doing to Creative Practices?
20 Aug
Tuesday, August 20, 2024
2:30 pm_4:30 pm