PRESENTATION | Shaping Spaces: Community, Sustainability, AI, and Justice
Tuesday, August 20, 2024
3:00 pm_4:00 pm
Day Pass price, excl. fees & taxesThis panel of project presentations features a diverse range of speakers who develop new approaches in fostering more sustainable and equitable urban futures by mobilizing spatial justice, data-driven and computational methodologies, as well as citizen participation.
University of Montreal’s Shin Koseki will present his work on spatial justice and sustainability within and beyond cities, in which he specifically leverages computational approaches and citizen participation to enhance urban resilience and democratic decision-making.
Prof. Mel Woods, Chair of Creative Intelligence at the University of Dundee, will share insights from her projects on environmental monitoring and citizen science, especially highlighting the role of technology, community involvement and futures thinking in addressing environmental challenges and urban resilience.
Architect and designer of public spaces Kamya Ramachandran will share her work leading the FutureFantastic, an AI Art Festival for Climate Change in Bangalore, India. Via the festival, Kamya channels her extensive experience in community-engaged design to cultivate a dialogue on the pressing issues of climate change among experts, artists, technologists, and audiences.
The session is moderated by Encode Justice Canada, the world’s first and largest youth movement for safe, equitable AI.
During the event, no interpreter for the Deaf will be present.
All activities held in the Salle Ludger-Duvernay will be simultaneously transcribed and translated in either French or English using an application powered by artificial intelligence. Those wishing to use this accessibility feature will find QR codes on site, which they can scan in order to connect to the live transcription. They may also click the “Transcriptions” button in the MUTEK Forum App homepage. This is a beta service, we cannot guarantee 100% accuracy.
Kamya RamachandranIN/SG
BeFantasticPRESENTATION | Shaping Spaces: Community, Sustainability, AI, and Justice
20 Aug
Shin KosekiCA/QC
UNESCO Chair in Urban Landscape

PRESENTATION | Shaping Spaces: Community, Sustainability, AI, and Justice
20 Aug
Mel WoodsUK
University of Dundee

PRESENTATION | Shaping Spaces: Community, Sustainability, AI, and Justice
20 Aug
Cleo NorrisUSA/QC
Encode Justice Canada

PRESENTATION | Shaping Spaces: Community, Sustainability, AI, and Justice
20 Aug
Tuesday, August 20, 2024
3:00 pm_5:00 pm