MUTEK Forum 1
The first edition of MUTEK_IMG was presented at the Phi Centre and proposed various presentation and discussion activities, 5@7 networking events, as well as screenings and audiovisual performances. With the participation of content partners such as Moment Factory, Autodesk, and Hexagram, the practices covered included VJing, scenography, digital art in the urban space, and audio-visual performance.

Speakers: Alain Mongeau (MUTEK) / Alain Thibault (artist / Elektra / BIAN) / Anne Lagüe (Mes États*nordiques) / Cédric Chabuel (Ouananiche) / Cheryl Sim (DHC/ART) / Christian Pomerleau (Gridspace) / Christopher Young (Autodesk) / Claude Faribault (Living Lab de Montréal) / Claude Fortin (Simon Fraser University) / Daniel Iregui (Iregular) / Diane Mercier (Portail données ouvertes de Montréal) / Dominic Audet (Moment Factory) / Dominique T. Skoltz (artist) / Eric Plante (VYV) / Frank Bretschneider (Raster-Noton) / Greg J. Smith (HOLO Magazine / / Jean Dubois (Hexagram - UQAM) / Jean-Sébastien Baillat (Baya) / Jimmy Lakatos (artificiel) / Joel Pennington (Autodesk) / Laurent Simon (Mosaic) / Louise Guay (Living Lab de Montréal) / Ma” Carassou-Maillan (Ma”) / Malcolm Levy (Hybridity / New Forms Festival) / Manuel Chantre (artist) / Martin Labrecque (Lighting Designer) / Mouna Andraos (Daily tous les jours) / Nelson De Robles (Moment Factory) / Olivier Sorrentino (Oli Sorenson) / Owen Chapman (Concordia Mobile Media Lab) / Pascal Beauchesne (Printemps Numérique) / Pascal Lefebvre (Quartier des spectacles) / Patrick Harrop (University of Manitoba) / Philippe Dubost (Moment Factory) / Pierre-Mathieu Fortin (Radio-Canada) / Prune Lieutier (2h60 / UQAM) / Quentin Bleton (Moment Factory) / Roberto Lopez (Siete Media) / Roger Parent ( / Sabrina Ratté (artist) / Sheng-Ying (Aithne) Pao (MIT Media Lab) / Thien Vu Dang (Pillow) / Vincent Leclerc (Eski) / Xavier Kronström Richard (Radio-Canada Lab) / yako (Jean-Christophe Yacono - / Yang-Hai Eakes (Autodesk)
Showcase & Performance: Baillat Cardell & fils + APM300 CA / Caroline Blais (Chocobeets) / Clinker CA / Dominique T. Skoltz CA / Ehsan Rezaie (Ewerx) / Frank Bretschneider DE / Ital US / Jean-Sébastien Baillat (Baya) / Le Révélateur CA / Ma” Carassou-Maillan (Ma”) / Manuel Chantre CA / Mateo Murphy + Ewerx CA / Maxime Corbeil-Perron CA / Nokami + Trommer CA / Oli Sorenson CA / Patrick Trudeau (Diagraf) / Pheek + Diagraf CA / Robin Dupuis CA / Sabrina Ratté CA / Sean Caruso CA / TiND + Pulses CA / Yan Breuleux CA