MUTEK Forum 4
MUTEK_IMG, the 4th edition of the forum on current practices in digital creation, takes place April 11-13 at the Phi Centre, as part of the official program of the Digital Spring and in collaboration with the Goethe-Institut. MUTEK_IMG aims to strengthen the leadership of Montréal as a nerve centre of digital creativity, contributing to its development and its influence by the promotion of its culture, its creators and the activation of local and international collaborations.
At the core of the event lies a conference program with panels, workshops and case studies presented in collaboration with several partners such as the digital art magazine HOLO, exploring a panoply of themes, including:
- Immersive experiences: audiovisual performance, digital scenography, interactive installation, projection mapping, virtual and augmented reality
- Critical issues in digital culture: artificial intelligence, big data, the deep web, digital privacy, post-truth media, blurring the virtual and physical worlds, digital policies
- Visions of the future: prototyping tomorrow with art and design, human-machine choreographies, emerging storytelling tools, automated tools for creation and new digital aesthetics
+ MUTEK_IMG 4 photo album
+ Videos of the panels and presentations
+ Creative Applications article

Alain Mongeau, MUTEK CA / Alain Saulnier CA / Alan Warburton UK / Ana Serrano, Canadian Film Centre CA / Andre Baynes, Hacking Black Futures CA / Annina Zwettler, ARTE Germany DE / Antoine Cayrol, ATLAS V FR / Audrey Pacart, Very Story / Brigitte Poupart CA /Catalina Briceño, FMC / CMF CA / Chiedza Pasipanodya, Hacking Black Futures CA / Chloé Jarry, Lucid Realities FR / Christiane Miethge DE / Daito Manabe, Rhizomatiks Research JP / Émilie F. Grenier, Comme des machines CA/QC / Ensemble Ensemble CA / Erandy Vergara, Eastern Bloc CA / Erin Gee CA / Fred Trétout & Philippe Hughes CA / Greg J. Smith, HOLO CA / Hub studio CA / Hugues Sweeney, ONF / NFB CA / Isabelle Van Grimde, Van Grimde Corps Secrets CA / Jean-François Larouche, Moment Factory CA / Jenny Thibault, Xn Québec CA / Jérémy Pouilloux, PXN FR / Jill Basmajian, Kaleidoscope VR US / Liam Maloney CA / Liam Young, Tomorrow's Thoughts Today UK / Louis-Philippe St-Arnault, Société des arts technologiques CA / Louis-Richard Tremblay, ONF / NFB CA/QC / Madeline Gannon, ATONATON US / MAOTIK & Cesar Urbina CA / Martin Pošta, Signal festival Prague CZ / Max Nova, Dawn Of Man US / Mouna Andraos, Daily tous les jours CA / Myriam Achard, Phi Centre CA/QC / Nathalie Bachand, Sporobole CA / Nyla Innuksuk CA / Patrick Saint-Denis, Université de Montréal CA / Paul Feigelfeld , TBA-21 Academy DE / Philippe Lambert, ONF/NFB CA / Régine Debatty, We Make Money Not Art BE / RYBN.ORG FR / Sam Lavigne US / Samara Grace Chadwick, Points North Institute / Camden International Film Festival CA/US / Samuel Greffe Bélanger, Studio Normal CA / Samuel Walker / Sandra Rodriguez, MIT Open Doc Lab et MIT Hacking XR CA/QC/US / Brault, the Canada Council for the Arts CA / Sönke Kirchhof, INVR.SPACE DE / Tali Goldstein, Casa Rara CA / Tanya Toft Ag, Urban Media Art Academy DK / Tega Brain US / Tess Takahashi, Camera Obscura Journal CA / Thibaut Duverneix, Gentilhomme CA / Thomas Ouellet Fredericks CA / Tim Maughan CA / Tori Foster CA / Valérie Bécaert, Element AI CA/QC / Vladimir Ilic, VR Nerds DE

A German-Canadian Exchange in Virtual Reality
With the exchange project, VR:RV, journalism and the newest immersive technologies come together to reimagine our interaction with digital society. This initiative offers professional virtual reality (VR) creators, artists, thinkers and journalists from Canada and Germany the opportunity to exchange knowledge, collaborate on new works, and share their critical explorations with the public. A series of three meetings are organized over the course of 7 months for selected German and Canadian participants, comprising of internal workshop sessions and public panels. The first meeting will be in Montreal at MUTEK_IMG, followed by a meeting in Berlin in May at re:publica, with a final stop in Montreal in November at Doc Circuit Montréal during the Rencontres internationales du documentaire de Montréal. A project by the Goethe-Institut, realized with the support of the Federal Foreign Office of Germany, the aim of VR:RV is to foster self-reflective works in virtual reality which explore the creative frontiers of the medium.
Highlighting creativity, entrepreneurship, innovation and vision, the Canadian VR scene has risen to international attention over the last five years - producing some of the most celebrated VR pieces and talents. Equally as prolific, but less well-known abroad, the German VR scene has also been expanding and exploring VR as a new medium, with application in a variety of fields including science, medicine and journalism.
This exchange aims to invigorate the scenes in both countries by creating the ideal setting for networking, collaboration and co-production, while also rethinking the language and modes by which we engage both with VR and with the wider digital world. VR:RV intends to provoke conversations, and ultimately VR works, that challenge, expose, critique and problematize the digital society through issues such as artificial intelligence, algorithms, digital privacy, digital democracy and the future of the internet.
For more information visit the website of the Goethe-Institut.
Ana Serrano – Canadian Film Centre (CA)
Allison Moore (CA)
Annina Zwettler – Arte Germany (DE)
Brett Gaylor – Mozilla Foundation (CA)
Catherine D'Amours – Nouvelle Administration (CA)
Charlène Boutin – Casa Rara / Milieux Institute (CA)
Christian Kokott (DE)
Christian Zschunke – Sehsucht (DE)
Christiane Miethge (DE)
Claire Buffet – Turbulent (CA)
Egbert van Wyngaarden (DE)
Johannes Helberger – Kling Klang Klong (DE)
Liam Maloney (CA)
Louis-Richard Tremblay – National Film Board of Canada (CA)
Mate Steinforth – Sehsucht (DE)
Nicolas S. Roy – Dpt. (CA)
Nyla Innuksuk – Mixtape VR (CA)
Paul Feigelfeld – TBA-21 Academy (DE)
Phillip Steinfatt – VR Nerds (DE)
Samuel Walker (CA)
Sandra Rodriguez – EyeSteelFilm_Creative Reality (CA)
Sönke Kirchhof – INVR.SPACE (DE)
Tali Goldstein – Casa Rara / Milieux Institute (CA)
Tess Takahashi – Camera Obscura Journal (CA)
Vladimir Ilic – VR Nerds (DE)
Curated by Samara Chadwick (CA)
VR:RV is a project by the Goethe-Institut realized with the support of the Federal Foreign Office of Germany. The project has been developed in close collaboration with MUTEK and re:publica in Berlin. The workshop component during MUTEK_IMG is also supported by the Canada Council for the Arts. Further project partners include: National Film Board of Canada, the Canadian Film Centre, ARTE Germany, DCM (RIDM's industry event), and Retune.
We acknowledge the support of the Canada Council for the Arts, which last year invested $153 million to bring the arts to Canadians throughout the country.