MUTEK Forum 5
Integrating the fifth edition of IMG into the festival week for the first time—rather than as an off-season event, proved to be an enriching and expansive decision, concentrating wide-ranging content, and audiences inside the whole MUTEK framework. Douglas Rushkoff’s standout opening keynote set the table with his candid and humanistic prescriptions for living in these digital times; social and ethical revelations behind artificial intelligence came from Rumman Chowdhury and Jason Lewis & Suzanne Kite and HOLO’s critical panels and workshops gave voice to urgent political and environmental issues. Lively discussions around innovation and digital art in museums stood out, and the XR Salon with its panels on mixed reality creation, funding and distribution proved the relevance of this ever-evolving new medium.

Bill Posters UK / UG / Chloé Jarry, Lucid Realities Studio FR / Damjanski, MoMAR DE / US / Daniel C. Howe US / CN / David Lobser, MoMAR US / Dimitris Kontopoulos, ArtScience Museum Singapore SG / Dominic Desjardins, Zazie Films CA / Douglas Rushkoff US / Étienne Paquette CA-QC / Joanie Lemercier FR / BE / Juliette Bibasse FR / BE / Julian Oliver NZ / DE / Lawrence Lek UK / Scott Gillam, Canadian Museum for Human Rights CA / Stéphanie Targui, Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle FR / Yuriko Furuhata, McGill University JP / CA-QC
Abbe Robinson, Light Night Leeds UK / Alexandra Ketchum, McGill University CA-QC / Ali Eslami, ALLLESSS IR / NL / Ash Koosha, auxuman IR / UK / Helena Nikonole RU / Ingrid Burrington N/A / Jasmin Grimm DE / Jason Edward Lewis, Initiative for Indigenous Futures US / CA-QC / Mat Chivers UK / Melissa Mongiat, Daily tous les jours CA-QC / Robert Henke DE / Rumman Chowdhury, Accenture AI US / Shauna Janssen, Institute for Urban Futures - Concordia University CA-QC / Suzanne
Alex Barrette, Lune Rouge Entertainment CA-QC / Ana Serrano, Canadian Film Centre CA / Antoine Cayrol, ATLAS V FR / Bart Simon, Hexagram - Concordia University + Milieux Institute CA-QC / Catherine Mathys, Canada Media Fund CA-QC / Caspar Sonnen, IDFA NL / Dominic Audet, Moment Factory CA-QC / Émilie F. Grenier, Comme des Machines CA-QC / Gabriel Coutu Dumont, Silent Partners Studio CA-QC / Hugues Sweeney, National Film Board of Canada CA-QC / Jake Craven, Breaker US / Janicke Morissette, Silent Partners Studio CA-QC / Jean Dubois, Hexagram - UQAM CA-QC / Jimmy Cheng, Iconic Engine TW / US / Julie Bourgeois, Lune Rouge Entertainment CA-QC / Kevin Faaborg, Ara US / Louis-Richard Tremblay, National Film Board of Canada CA-QC / Lucy Dusgate, The Lowry UK / Myriam Achard, Phi Centre CA-QC / Pete Billington, Fable Studio US / Sandra Rodriguez, MIT Open Doc Lab + MIT Hacking XR CA-QC / US / Selma Sabera, Meow Wolf US / Stéphane Rituit, Felix & Paul Studios CA-QC / Vali Fugulin CA-QC / Vincent Morisset, AATOAA CA-QC