For the 5th consecutive year, the MUTEK Market, a career acceleration and business development program for industry professionals, makes its return with an exciting selection of 20 Canadian artists. The Market’s mission: provide support and essential tools to empower artists in their career growth. This includes several months of training and the creation of customized Electronic Press Kits (EPKs) tailored to participating artists.
More than a support system, the Market serves as a bridge between buyers and artists — through one-to-one business meetings held one week prior to the festival. In previous editions, MUTEK Market 2023 fostered more than 500 meetings in the span of 2 days, averaging 35 connections per artist. Overall, the event brought together 20 artists and 130 industry professionals. Creating a space for negotiation, establishing a solid basis for sales and initiating valuable connections lie at the root of the Market’s mission.
The 2024 Market artists
Allison Moore (Cloud Bodies)
CUERPOS (Francis Dawson & Nadia Duman)
ÈBONY (Jordan Gardner & Andre Edwards-Roderique)
G L O W Z I (Gloria-Sherryl François)
Isotone Studio (Bar Rubinstein, Hugo Fournier & Lilian Guiran)
Liliane Chlela
mesocosm (Emma Forgues, Joël Lavoie & Philippe Vandal)

N3ZHA (Mimi Ting Li)
Nora Gibson
Orchestroll (Jesse Osborne-Lanthier & Asaël Robitaille)
Piu (Priyanka Chakrabarti)
Seulement (Mathieu Arsenault)
Tati au Miel (Tati Daniel)
Technologies of Consciousness (Stephanie Castonguay & Sonya Stefan)

For this special edition, Q&A sessions with Market artists will be organized during the MUTEK Forum and moderated by Nyshka Chandran (Futures Editor at Resident Advisor).
Confirmed international programmers joining the Market
This year’s MUTEK Market will welcome 130 international and Canadian programmers ranging from electronic music festivals, digital and media arts festivals to galleries, and curators. Exclusive access to the Festival and Forum, provided by MUTEK, will grant attendees special networking events, meeting opportunities, and personalized business-to-business (B2B) interactions.
Alberto Nerone - Primavera & MUTEK ES, Espagne
Anastasia Isachen - Light festival Oslo, Norvège
Antoine Cayrol - Atlas V, France
Balto Pinto - Modular Festivals, Honduras
Carly Whitefield - LAS Art Foundation, Allemagne
Clara de Asís - Göteborg Art Sounds, Suède
Claudio Caciolli - Bright Festival Leipzig, Allemagne
Damian Romero - MUTEK.MX, Mexique
Evangeline Brooks - Interaccess, Canada
Gonzalo Solimano - MUTEK.AR, Argentine
Ivan Arias - WOS Festival, Espagne
Jeanne Charlotte Vogt - NODE Festival, Allemagne
Jiri Novak - Lunchmeat, République Tchèque
Kabir Engel - Glovox, MUTEK CL, Chili
Kamya Ramachandran - Future Fantastic Festival, Inde
Lauren Buckley - Tate Museum, Royaume-Uni
Ludovica Michelin - MUTEK ES, Espagne
Luke Kemp - Barbican Immersive, Royaume-Uni
Natalia Piñuel - She Makes Noise, Espagne
Omar Lavalle Castillejo - Fundación Telefónica Movistar , Pérou
Paolo Löffler - Kunstkraftwerk Leipzig, Allemagne
Sabine Himmelsbach - HEK (House of Electronic Arts), Suisse
Shuichiro Iwanami - MUTEK.JP, Japon
Susa Pop - Public Art Lab, Allemagne
et plus…
Are you an industry professional and interested in joining the MUTEK Market?

Incubator: accompanying tomorrow's artists
To mark the 25th anniversary of the MUTEK Festival, MUTEK is stepping up its support for emerging Canadian artists with its new MUTEK Incubator initiative, which will tie in with the Market program. In the same vein, the Incubator is proactively seeking out emerging artists in the digital and sound arts. The role of the MUTEK Incubator, though similar to that of the Market, will be personalized and specialized in the accompaniment of these artists, with the aim of fostering the professionalization of the next generation of artists. The MUTEK Incubator will host 10 emerging Canadian artists and will run for 4 months, from June to September 2024. Each artist will benefit from targeted training, a relationship with a mentor, the production of an electronic press kit and access to additional professional activities and expertise.
Incubator participants:
Sliberium (Tom Jefferson, Prince Amani Kouame, Tristan Sendji)
Ultima Esuna (Ariadna Toledo)
ephemeral objects (Michelle La)
IHA (Apple Cabrera)
Jean-François Robin
Jihen Ben Chikha
Max Lester
Sophia Oppel
Ali Phi
Baron Lanteigne
Charline Dally
Jason Voltaire / Bootyspoon
Marilou Lyonnais-Archambault
Myriam Bleau
Olivia McGilchrist
Jonathan Kawchuk
Mentors are Market alumni, artists who have been in the MUTEK Market in previous editions.
MUTEK Academy : Training Sessions
To provide relevant and advanced training, the MUTEK Market and the Incubator have joined forces to offer over 70 hours of training to artists. In June and July, the artists were notably supported by Rosana Corbacho, artch, hinter live, La Piscine, SOCAN, the Society for Arts and Technology [SAT], and Station Clip. We thank our partners for their support in the development of these projects.
MUTEK Forum returns with new formats

Navigating XR and Immersive Technologies

From Screen to Reality: Digital Art Inspired by Video Games

Elevate Your Skills: MUTEK Forum's Essential Workshops and Masterclasses