PANEL | Indigenous Storytelling and Distribution in XR, presented by the Indigenous Screen Office

PANEL | Indigenous Storytelling and Distribution in XR, presented by the Indigenous Screen Office
Wednesday, August 21, 2024
2:15 pm_3:15 pm
Day Pass price, excl. fees & taxesMUTEK Forum’s XR Salon continues its explorations of innovative practices in XR (extended reality) with a session on Indigenous storytelling and the unique approaches for distribution of XR projects. In the emerging space of XR distribution, Indigenous storytellers are finding ways to share their projects in meaningful, intentional, and impactful ways.
Join Indigenous filmmakers, storytellers and producers as they discuss their best practices and case studies for disseminating XR works. Three artists who collaborate in the immersive space will share their best practices and case studies:
- James Monkman (Cree), an award-winning multimedia designer and storyteller, and creator of the immersive installation “Mekwâc” (in development);
- Jason Brennan (Anishnaabe), owner of the award-winning Indigenous production company Nish Média, representing the immersive project “William”. "William" is a VR series that sheds light on a part of Canadian history that was long silenced and deliberately ignored.
- Kaitlynn Tomaselli (Anishinaabe/Odowa/Potawatomi), Program Manager at imagineNATIVE. The imagineNATIVE Film + Media Arts Festival has become a beacon for Indigenous XR projects. Since 2016, the imagineNATIVE Film + Media Arts Festival introduces audiences to a curated selection of Digital + Interactive and Audio works via the iNdigital Space, which is offered both in-person during the festival, and online.
The conversation is presented and hosted by the Indigenous Screen Office (ISO), an independent, national advocacy and funding organization that champions Indigenous screen-based storytellers and narrative sovereignty. The ISO supports Indigenous companies, communities, and individuals in sharing their diverse stories and perspectives across all screen platforms.
During the event, no interpreter for the Deaf will be present.
All activities held in the Salle Ludger-Duvernay will be simultaneously transcribed and translated in either French or English using an application powered by artificial intelligence. Those wishing to use this accessibility feature will find QR codes on site, which they can scan in order to connect to the live transcription. They may also click the “Transcriptions” button in the MUTEK Forum App homepage. This is a beta service, we cannot guarantee 100% accuracy.
Isabelle RuizCA/QC
Indigenous Screen Office

PANEL | Indigenous Storytelling and Distribution in XR, presented by the Indigenous Screen Office
21 Aug
Jason BrennanCA/QC
Nish Media

PANEL | Indigenous Storytelling and Distribution in XR, presented by the Indigenous Screen Office
21 Aug
James MonkmanCA
James Monkman Studio

PANEL | Indigenous Storytelling and Distribution in XR, presented by the Indigenous Screen Office
21 Aug
Kaitlynn TomaselliCA
imagineNATIVE Film + Media Arts Festival

PANEL | Indigenous Storytelling and Distribution in XR, presented by the Indigenous Screen Office
21 Aug
Wednesday, August 21, 2024
2:30 pm_4:30 pm