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Jason Edward LewisCA/QC

Abundant Intelligences - Concordia University
Jason Edward Lewis<sup>CA/QC</sup>
Jason Edward LewisCA/QC
Abundant Intelligences - Concordia University

Jason Edward Lewis is a digital media theorist, poet, and software designer. He founded Obx Laboratory for Experimental Media, where he conducts research/creation projects exploring computation as a creative and cultural material. Lewis is deeply committed to developing intriguing new forms of expression by working on conceptual, critical, creative and technical levels simultaneously. He is the University Research Chair in Computational Media and the Indigenous Future Imaginary as well Professor of Computation Arts at Concordia University. Lewis co-directs Abundant Intelligences, the Indigenous Futures Research Centre, the Aboriginal Territories in Cyberspace research network, and the Skins Workshops on Aboriginal Storytelling and Video Game Design. His creative and production work has been shown in solo shows, group exhibitions and festivals on four continents, and has accrued numerous international awards. Lewis is lead co-author on the award-winning “Making Kin with the Machines” essay and editor of the groundbreaking Indigenous Protocol and Artificial Intelligence PositionPaper.