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Ruha BenjaminUS

Princeton University
Ruha Benjamin<sup>US</sup>
Ruha BenjaminUS
Princeton University

Ruha Benjamin is a professor of African American studies at Princeton University. She is the author of "People’s Science: Bodies and Rights on the Stem Cell Frontier"; her second book, "Race After Technology: Abolitionist Tools for the New Jim Code", examines the relationship between machine bias and systemic racism. She is also the editor of "Captivating Technology".
She has studied the social dimensions of science, technology, and medicine for over fifteen years and speaks widely on issues of innovation, equity, health, and justice in the U.S. and globally.
She is a Faculty Associate in the Center for Information Technology Policy; the Program on History of Science; the Center for Health and Wellbeing; the Program on Gender and Sexuality Studies; and the Department of Sociology. She also serves on the Executive Committees for the Program in Global Health and Health Policy and Center for Digital Humanities. Ruha is the recipient of many awards and honours, including the 2017 President's Award for Distinguished Teaching at Princeton.
