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Aboriginal Territories in Cyberspace (AbTeC)
Aboriginal Territories in Cyberspace (AbTeC)
iX SYMPOSIUM | Indigenous Immersive Futures

08.21 | 12:45 pm_1:45 pm

Originating from Kahnawake, Skawennati is a visual artist whose machinimas, still images, textiles and sculpture have been presented internationally and collected by the National Gallery of Canada, the Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal and the Thoma Foundation, among others. Recipient of a 2022 Hewlett 50 Arts Commissions Grant and an Honorary Doctorate from the Minneapolis College of Art and Design, she is also a founding board member of daphne, Montréal’s first Indigenous artist-run center. She co-directs Aboriginal Territories in Cyberspace (AbTeC), a research-creation network based at Concordia University.