PANEL | Abundant Intelligences at the Intersections of Neuroscience, AI, Art, and Indigenous Knowledges

PANEL | Abundant Intelligences at the Intersections of Neuroscience, AI, Art, and Indigenous Knowledges
Friday, August 23, 2024
9:30 am_10:45 am
Day Pass price, excl. fees & taxesAbundant Intelligences research-creation program imagines anew how to conceptualize and design Artificial Intelligence (AI) based on Indigenous Knowledge (IK) systems. Its goal is to advance methods for improving AI to better serve Indigenous communities and others through exploring and developing culturally-grounded AI systems that support Indigenous ways of knowing and that recognize the abundant multiplicity of ways of being intelligent in the world. The program is co-directed by Professor Hēmi Whaanga (Massey University, Aotearoa) and Professor Jason Edward Lewis (Concordia University, Montreal), who will introduce Abundant Intelligences in this session.
The Abundant Intelligences panel will bring together Abundant Intelligences members Dr Melanie Cheung (Neuroscientist, Aotearoa), Professor Karim Jerbi (Canada Research Chair in Computational Neuroscience and Cognitive Neuroimaging. Director at UNIQUE. Assoc. Professor at Mila), Artist and Professor Jackson Two Bears (Canada Research Chair in Indigenous Arts Research & Technology. Assoc. Professor Visual Art and Indigenous Studies at Western University) to discuss the intersections of Neuroscience, AI, Art and Indigenous Knowledges.
During the event, no interpreter for the Deaf will be present.
All activities held in the Salle Ludger-Duvernay will be simultaneously transcribed and translated in either French or English using an application powered by artificial intelligence. Those wishing to use this accessibility feature will find QR codes on site, which they can scan in order to connect to the live transcription. They may also click the “Transcriptions” button in the MUTEK Forum App homepage. This is a beta service, we cannot guarantee 100% accuracy.
Karim JerbiCA/QC
Université de Montréal + UNIQUE Center

PANEL | Abundant Intelligences at the Intersections of Neuroscience, AI, Art, and Indigenous Knowledges
23 Aug
Jason Edward LewisCA/QC
Abundant Intelligences - Concordia University

PANEL | Abundant Intelligences at the Intersections of Neuroscience, AI, Art, and Indigenous Knowledges
23 Aug
Jackson Two BearsCA
Western University

PANEL | Abundant Intelligences at the Intersections of Neuroscience, AI, Art, and Indigenous Knowledges
23 Aug
Dr. Melanie CheungNZ
Cheung Consultancy Limited

PANEL | Abundant Intelligences at the Intersections of Neuroscience, AI, Art, and Indigenous Knowledges
23 Aug
Friday, August 23, 2024
10:00 am_12:15 pm