PANEL | Beyond the Controller : Accessibility in Gaming, Presented by EA Motive
Thursday, August 22, 2024
1:30 pm_2:30 pm
Day Pass price, excl. fees & taxesPeople with disabilities represent approximately 25% of the global population, or one in four individuals, encompassing a wide range of potential impairments. Without careful consideration in gaming design, these impairments can significantly hinder the user experience. Ensuring a game is accessible necessitates the intentional inclusion of the disabled community in the design process. This involves incorporating standard features like subtitles and difficulty settings, as well as creating innovative accommodations tailored to the unique aspects of each game. Join us for an engaging panel discussion focusing on accessibility in gaming – our expert panelists will explore the burst-through of technological advancements and opening up new possibilities for players with disabilities. From adaptive controllers to voice recognition and beyond, let us make gaming more inclusive. Discover the cutting-edge innovations reshaping the gaming experience to accommodate more players.
Presented by EA Motive, the session features blind accessibility consultant Ross Minor, Améliane F. Chiasson from Player Research and JAMTL, a conference dedicated to video game accessibility, Frederic McNamara of Shishi Studios
as well as Christian Cimon, Electronic Arts' Experience Design Director.
During the event, no interpreter for the Deaf will be present.
All activities held in the Salle Ludger-Duvernay will be simultaneously transcribed and translated in either French or English using an application powered by artificial intelligence. Those wishing to use this accessibility feature will find QR codes on site, which they can scan in order to connect to the live transcription. They may also click the “Transcriptions” button in the MUTEK Forum App homepage. This is a beta service, we cannot guarantee 100% accuracy.
Améliane F. ChiassonCA/QC
Player Research - a Keywords Studio

PANEL | Beyond the Controller : Accessibility in Gaming, Presented by EA Motive
22 Aug
Ross MinorUS
Now you See LLC

PANEL | Beyond the Controller : Accessibility in Gaming, Presented by EA Motive
22 Aug
Christian CimonCA/QC
Electronic Arts

PANEL | Beyond the Controller : Accessibility in Gaming, Presented by EA Motive
22 Aug
Frederic McNamaraCA/QC
Shishi Studios

PANEL | Beyond the Controller : Accessibility in Gaming, Presented by EA Motive
22 Aug
Thursday, August 22, 2024
1:30 pm_3:30 pm