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Kamyar KarimiCA

Kamyar Karimi<sup>CA</sup>
Kamyar KarimiCA
LAB | Wilding AI

08.23 | 10:30 am_7:00 pm

Kamyar 'Noak' Karimi is a digital storyteller who believes that within the dynamic human global network, the interwebs of human stories are recursively retold within different media. His perspective on storytelling is reflected in his diverse career, which spans roles as a programmer, game designer, and sound designer. In his work, Karimi primarily uses code and sound to explore and expand the possibilities of storytelling in the realm of new media. This multi-disciplinary approach enables him to weave intricate narratives that resonate across various platforms, underpinning his philosophy that stories are a universal medium, continually evolving and reshaping themselves in the digital age.