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u2p050 is a pluridisciplinary artistic entity creating art, philosophy, music and technology. Through its digital creations, u2p050 attempts to construct thought experiments that open up ways of questioning our contemporary world, and in particular its increasing digitalisation. To do this, u2p050 uses experimental technologies in its works. For example, u2p050 uses artificial intelligence, three-dimensional modeling, stereoscopic sound and interactive video production software. In extremely diverse forms—installations, texts, or audiovisual productions—u2p050 explores a perspective in which the machine is no longer considered a tool to be enslaved, but a lens through which to visualize worlds.
The u2p050 studio has exhibited in several major institutions, including UCCA Labs and Boxes Art Museum in China, Avant Galerie and FRAC Bordeaux in France. u2p050 is a laureate of the French Ministry of Culture's Mondes Nouveaux commission in 2022, and was presented at the Octobre Numérique festival. The studio is currently a resident in the international art incubator Poush Manifesto in Paris and is a member of the Glitch art project initiated by blockchain researcher Primavera de Filippi.

Presented with the support of the Consulate General of France in Québec.