NETWORKING | Cocktail Panel and Cocktail
Monday, August 19, 2024
5:30 pm_8:00 pm
Société des arts technologiques [SAT]
Mobilizing the critical discussions of the day, the closing cocktail kicks-off with a call to action by Quebec and International festival-makers to unite in building more resilient festival networks!
Patrick Kearney, president of the alliance of Québec festivals REFRAIN, and Laurent Bigarella, coordinator of the Reset! network of independent cultural and media organizations across Europe, join the discussion drawing upon their extensive experience in building networks and lobbying governments on behalf of the cultural industries.
With Philippe U. Del Drago, Executive and Artistic Director of the International Festival of Films on Art (Le FIFA), and the newly appointed Co-Executive Director of the Festival TransAmériques, Sandra O’Connor, the roundtable discussion invites two members of the “Group of Thirteen”, a front of Montréal festivals vocalizing their concerns over the critical state of our cultural infrastructures.
The call to take action in unity is moderated by MUTEK Founder, General and Artistic Director Alain Mongeau, who draws upon his insights on MUTEK’s involvement in manifold networks, locally and internationally.
The closing cocktail and panel are hosted in collaboration with the alliance of Québec festivals REFRAIN.
The Future Festivals Summit is made possible by the support of the Government of Québec. MUTEK acknowledges the support of the Canada Council for the Arts.
Please note that this activity will take place partially in French. No prerequisites required.
Patrick KearneyCA/QC

NETWORKING | Cocktail Panel and Cocktail
19 Aug
Sandra O'ConnorCA/QC
Festival TransAmériques

NETWORKING | Cocktail Panel and Cocktail
19 Aug
Philippe U. del DragoFR/QC
Festival International du Film sur l'Art

NETWORKING | Cocktail Panel and Cocktail
19 Aug
Laurent BigarellaFR
Arty Farty + Reset!

NETWORKING | Cocktail Panel and Cocktail
19 Aug
Alain MongeauCA/QC

NETWORKING | Cocktail Panel and Cocktail
19 Aug