PRESENTATION | Indigenous Innovations in Immersive Technology
Thursday, August 22, 2024
4:30 pm_5:45 pm
Day Pass price, excl. fees & taxesDelve into the works of Indigenous artists using immersive technologies to deepen their connections to linguistic and cultural sustainability. The projects, including Mikiwam by Studio Ekosi; Kanonhsí:io: It’s a Nice House by Moni Garr and Language Learning Library by Revital Software, encompass storytelling, gaming, and augmented reality and will be presented by Caeleigh Long, Keara Lightning, MoniGarr and Kahentawaks Tiewishaw. These artists challenge the idea of tradition and innovation countering each other; as opposed to completing each other. They invite us to imagine a future where they are seamlessly intertwined through narrative representation, language revitalization and new material cultures.
The presentation will be followed by a short Q&A.
During the event, no interpreter for the Deaf will be present.
Kahentawaks TiewishawCA/QC
Revital Software

PRESENTATION | Indigenous Innovations in Immersive Technology
22 Aug
Caeleigh LightningCA/QC
Studio Ekosi

PRESENTATION | Indigenous Innovations in Immersive Technology
22 Aug
Keara LightningCA
Studio Ekosi

PRESENTATION | Indigenous Innovations in Immersive Technology
22 Aug

PRESENTATION | Indigenous Innovations in Immersive Technology
22 Aug
Thursday, August 22, 2024
5:00 pm_8:30 pm